01 de Dezembro de 2006
Accessibility is very important to make your website accessible for a wide range of users. The YOOtheme Styleswitcher enables your website to fit to...

The YOOtheme Styleswitcher is a smart combination of javascript and php which delivers an advanced solution for best user experience.
And the icing on the cake is a smooth sliding effect. Try it out now, by clicking the styleswitcher!
Notice: it s no problem to deactivate the Styleswitcher completely and to stay always at a fixed width. Just set the Styleswitcher in the template configuration to false and choose your default fixed width.
For Example:
"styleswitcherFont" => false, /* true | false */ "styleswitcherWidth" => false, /* true | false */ "fontDefault" => "font-medium", /* font-small | font-medium | font-large */ "widthDefault" => "width-wide", /* width-thin | width-wide | width-fluid */