This template validates to XHTML and CSS web standards. In particular this template is build with tableless CSS design. This template achieves...
This template includes the YOOtheme PNG Fix for Internet Explorer up to version 6.x because these browser versions don’t support PNG transparency...
All menus shown on this page are implemented using the YOOmenu system. YOOmenu is a flexible all-in-one menu system right out of the box. It makes it...
Accessibility is very important to make your website accessible for a wide range of users. The YOOtheme Styleswitcher enables your website to fit to...
We’ve integrated a visual clone of the popular Lightbox JS v2.0 called Slimbox. Slimbox is smaller, more efficient, more convenient and 100%...
Tableless CSS design is the art of building websites without resorting to the use of tables merely for presentational purposes. Instead of tables, CSS...
This page is an example of content that is Uncategorized; that is, it does not belong to any Section or Category. You will see there is a new Menu in...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam...